Reflections for the
Scattered Church

We gather in our local churches every Sunday morning to worship the Lord together, and then we are sent back out into the world on Monday morning to image Him in our homes and places of work — to be Christ’s ambassadors, loving and serving our neighbor in and through our everyday work.

We offer the following as reflections and encouragement to the scattered Church of Jesus Christ…

Featured Posts from Faith & Work Chicago staff

Come to Me, All Ye Who Are Weary and Burdened, and I Will Give Ye...a 401K Match by Theology at Work

Some thoughts regarding the "salvation" of corporate entities, what the Psalms have to say about idols, and who we ultimately find our rest in.

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You Messed Up at Work: Is the Power of God Really Made Perfect in Your Weakness? by Theology at Work

Some thoughts regarding Paul's theology of failure, what it means to embrace weakness in our work, and why "washing our nets" is so important.

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